Depression, the Secret We Share – a Ted Talk for all

I’ve neglected you lately, I know, and for that I am sorry. But, let me get things rolling again and help to frame where we’ve been and we’re going with this blog by inviting you to spend a few minutes listening to Andrew Solomon. He starts by saying he “…felt a funeral in his brain.”  I’m off to class to teach my students and hope they gain something from our time together, then I’m off to home where I’ll reunite with my family after our long day. It’s home where I hope that I can help to provide a positive sense of the world and if nothing else, a place to feel safe and loved and wanted. As the Anasazi Foundation reminds us, home can be that belonging place, that place of We. Listen, Learn, Feel, and mostly, be present.

Depression, the Secret We Share – Andrew Solomon, Ted Talk